maldives best

Best currency to bring Maldives

When you travel abroad its always important to check which currency is the best to bring with you. The financial system in Maldives is little different. In Maldives US Dollar is like a second currency, you dont necessarily need to go bank to exchange as all resorts and many local shops accept USD. However the rate may vary, resorts mostly use the daily updated rates from Bank of Maldives. Current the rate is 1 USD = MRF15.42. After USD, the second best currency to bring Maldives is Euro and Sterling Pounds which you can use at resorts or have to go bank to exchange.

Most travellers bring some cash to keep in hand and credit card for payments. In Maldives the most convenient cards are Visa and Master, American Express is also accepted widely but sometimes not as smooth as others.

Normally you pay accommodation and transfer charges to the travel agent at the time or booking. Depending on your meal plan you might need money for food, otherwise some cash for tips and gifts would be ideal. Carrying too much of unwanted cash is not wise even if you have safety deposit box in room. Maldives is a safe country, but it is always advisable to follow all safety precautions.

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